Saturday, October 28, 2006

Travel Tip 24 - Free Donuts

When you are in Korea, and you are hungy, and you want a snack between meals.. Look no further than Krispy Kreme Doughnuts..


Here is the trick, and don't feel bad, all Koreans do it.

1) Line up in the queue.
2) Listen to them say (in Korean) Welcome to Krispy Kreme, please try a doughnut.
3) Take your doughnut.
4) Walk out, with your yummy, free doughnut..

Personally I liked Mr Donuts doughnuts in Japan more, but that is another story.

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Myeongdong (명동 明洞)

Myeondong 명동, which in Korean means "Men should hide their money" is the shopping mecca of Seoul's trendy, cashed up, women (or women who have someone with them, who has forgotten to leave their wallet at home). Though it seems most women just window shop. (I know why they window shop for so long, there were no shops selling windows, anywhere to be found)

This is the place to go to people watch, or to buy your name brand needs. As this was a trendy place to be, I did not see many people in couple clothes..

Now that I look at the photos, it is probably 75-80% women, on just random photos.

When I was there, it looked like a big storm was coming.





This was actually just up the road from Myeongdong


Oh, and I mentioned the dog seller before, he was back.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Strange Animal

You know, I have no idea what kind of animal this is. Anyone out there know ?

Strange Animal

One thing I have noticed when I travel to places around the world. Many have relaxed animal import laws. I know Australia has them to protect the native animals, and I am not complaining. It's just that this animal was so cute.. I can only describe it as a cross between a Ferret and a Squirrel. I do know that it comes from the desert, which desert, I have no idea.

This was one of the many different animals I saw in the pet shops in Korea..

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I'll have 2 platters please

Near where I was staying in Seoul is the 63 Building. It has IMAX and many famous restaurants. One is a BBQ style restaurant. It serves Korean beef, as well as Australian beef. Actually there is a big difference between Korean beef and Australian beef, ours is lean, where as Korean is marbeled with fat (yummy).

This particular restaurant is famous for calbe, a cut of beef from the rib, and across the stomach, I believe. They have many "take out" (they don't say "take away" in Korea)platters you can buy. The biggest one is 6kgs.

So how much for this 6 kgs of pure Korean beef ? Only W660,000 with is about $ 910 AUD. That's right, almost 1000 dollars for 6 kgs of meat !!!! And you thought the price of beef in Australia had gone up.. Try paying 151/kg for beef.

Where's the Beef?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Travel Tip 23

If you are in a boat, there is only so much you can get away with as a westener.

Splashing a raft full of wet people, is not one of them ;)

Don't Spash People In Another Boat :)

They will get you back!!!

This was on the Hantan River.한탄강

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